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I am the son of Lord Montague. I feel like I am a man of dignity, respect, and nobility. I have been known to be a famous bachelor.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Act 1-Romeo's Depression

       I walk along this coastline thinking about only one thing, and that is Rosaline. How could a woman so beautiful and an angel decide to be a woman who dedicates her life only in God's service?. If me and her were to be married we'd have the most beautiful children in the world but unfortunately this legacy will never occur. I can't take this no more, there seems to be no more reason for me to live anymore.
      This is the loneliest I have ever felt my whole life. They say that your mother is the only one you can ever trust but in my case it seems as if my mother doesn't even care about me. My father, Lord Montague, is nothing to me even though he is my father. Father, I cannot call him as he commands me to call him Lord. Benvolio is a great man to me as I feel like I can talk to him about anything. My parents seemed to have told him to help me out, why can't they take the lead. Benvolio tells me that the world has not ended and that their other girls out there more beautiful than Rosaline. The thing these days is that all of the girls out there are just  not my type. Rosaline is the first girl that brought the fire out of me.

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